Once again, Aunt Flo has shown up. Ironically enough, it came the night after Riki's baby shower. LOL. Go figure.
So with this next round, I'm going to be a little more aggressive. I haven't been entirely vocal about my wants with this process, so I'm going to grow a backbone. LOL. I'm going to suggest M get his sperm count done and we're going to do more insems. I should be ovulating sometime the week after Palm Sunday (April 5), so I'm going to have us do insems on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, then on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The 6th is day 15 of my cycle and I've been ovulating on day 15 or day 19...or somewhere in between. So I figure starting on CD13 should give us a good start, then go every other day for a week. That'll definitely increase our chances of getting preggo this month.
I was just realizing last week that this is the first thing I've done where I've gotten repeated failures and haven't just thrown my hands up in the air and given up. I want this so badly, but at the same time I'm just so frustrated that it's way more difficult than I had anticipated. I mean, there's a reason I'm still fat - because it takes too much work to get thin. I don't entirely over eat or eat a lot of junk, I'm just fat. My body works against me to stay this weight (around 250). Seriously. LOL. My body fights weight loss like nobody's business. After I have my babies I'm going to look into getting a gastric band. That'll help me stay active with the babies to help keep them fit as they grow up. They are going to start off in the black, so I have to be proactive (M used to be almost or even over 400 pounds and had gastric bypass surgery a few years ago. He also has diabetes.). I'm already knowing they're going to be in gymnastics, dancing, and outdoor sports. lol.
So that's the plan as it stands for now. As usual, I'll keep you updated. ;o)
Meals of the Week, March 2nd - March 8th, 2025
21 hours ago
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