I am a happy, happy girl once again. LOL. It's amazing what happens when you get back what was deprived from you for so long. I'm such an internet addict!
I haven't caught up on everything I need to catch up on yet (friend blogs), but I've caught up on about 60% of everything (not including community/entertainment blogs).
So what have I been up to in the mean time? Well, besides whine and complain about the lack of internet (and, for a while, tv), I've read a bunch (finished the Twilight series again, and a few other misc. books), I've cooked a lot (there's lots of time for me to cook real food when I don't have to go to work), I watched a lot of DVDs (ones I own and ones from Netflix. Jenn and I are obsessed with OZ. We just finished season 3 and started season 4), and have done not much else. LOL.
Jenn and I saw Twilight twice in the theater. LOL. We love it. I wasn't so sure about it the first time I saw it, but when I separated the book from the movie, I liked it much better. We also just saw Milk on Sunday. It's very powerful. I cried. I really think everyone on the planet needs to see this movie.
My back has been bothering me a whole hell of a lot the last few weeks. Jenn's right in thinking it's from sitting on my ass all day. I need to get on the elliptical down in the garage once a day, just to get my blood flowing and to not allow my back to lock up. Right now, I'm just getting over another week of back pain, so it might be another couple days before I get down there.
I'm gonna have to find the applications I picked up and fill them out and get them back out to the retail stores I picked them up from. Jenn can support us on her salary, no problem, but I need to work to 1) get me out of the damn house, 2) keep me from getting another sore back, and 3) give us that extra bit of money to do a little bit of travelling this year. We've already got a plan to visit our friend Riki in Oregon in February, and then in June, we're going to another part of Oregon to spend a week with her family (it's a summer tradition - there are family owned vacation houses there and lots of family goes every year). There are a couple other things floating around that we want to do, but nothing's set yet.
Other than that, life has been pretty normal. Oh, we love our new apartment. It's 2br/2ba, huge living room & dining room, very nice kitchen with all new appliances, 2 patios!! We have updated some of our stuff to match our nicer apartment - espresso colored tall and short bookshelves (the short are being used for DVDs), a matching tv stand, chocolate brown couch covers so they all match, curtains, and some artwork and personal photos on the walls. Those who have seen our apartment have loved it. Oh! And we have central air! LOL I'm so happy to have central air back.
Anyway, that's about it for me. Hope you didn't miss me too much. =op
Meals of the Week, March 2nd - March 8th, 2025
9 hours ago
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