Sunday, June 7, 2009

I made it!

After 15 hours of travel (Amtrak train & bus) I finally made it to Medford at 12:45 today. I'm exhausted. I've been up for 26+ hours at this point, but sufficiently caffeinated that I won't fall asleep mid conversation. I'll probably hit a wall at 7pm and crash out for the night, but I'm good to go until then. LOL.

The train ride was fun. I wish I could have done it during the day so I could have seen the sights (and not missed out on as much sleep!), but I got a lot of reading and crocheting done. ;o)

Now I'm at Riki's. I've seen the baby - she's more beautiful than her pictures show - and I'm totally jealous!! LOL My time will come, but I want it to be soon!! LOL

Already I'm so relaxed here - it's the clean air. LOL. I can't wait to visit the goats. LOL. I just may never want to go home.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna go take a shower and wash the travel stink off me. LOL. That'll be a good start to the rest of the afternoon/evening.

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